Lesson Plan : Patient with anterior knee pain

Teacher Name:
 Adri Muhsmann
 Grade 7-8
 PE and Health

 A basic understanding of anterior knee pain, cause,and how it is treated with physical therapy interventions
 Physical therapy treatment of anterior knee pain, utilizing stretches, strenghtening exercises, modalities and taping/bracing as needed
 Patient will report 0/10 pain in 2-3 weeks Patient will icrease strength in hip external rotators to 4+-5/5 in 4-6 weeks Patient will improve alignment in lower extremities in 4-6 weeks Paitent will return to sport without symptoms in 6-8 weeks
 Patient will be able to verbalize understanding of diagnosis and importance of physical therapy 100% of timein 2 weeks Patient will correctly verbalize and demonstrate home exercise program in clinic at the end of each session Patient will verbalize the progression for each phase of rehabilitation, criteria to progress to next phase of rehabilitation and to return to sport
 Verbal instruction Patient handouts of home exercise program Patient education handout, with frequency,duration, interventions Demonstration and patient partcipation
 Evaluation with explanation of findings, including physical therapy diagnosis, plan
 Begin with stretches and exercises with instruction and handouts, have patient perform and give feedback Review home program
 Weekly physical therapy sessions, progress as patient meets criteria to go to next phase Review home program, give feedback as needed Patient to verbally explain home program, diagnosis and need for physical therapy and goals, return to sport
 Sports specific activities
Checking For Understanding:
 Home exercise program tracking sheet Review and chart understanding of diagnosis and progress Review patient's goals, return to sport
 Review all materials, and answer any follow up questions
 Pain 0/10 visual analog scale Strength MMT and functional strength testing Measure alignment with Q angle or plumb line
Teacher Reflections:
 Patient participated will and able to demonstrate verbal and physical understanding of home exercise program, diagnosis and need for physical therapy Patient is progressing with all goals

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