Lesson Plan : Introduction & Liturgy Preparation

Teacher Name:
 Valery Roeder
 Grade 3

 Introduction of teacher, classroom guidelines and expectations, and preparation for liturgy.
 Greeting, introduction, behavior, Liturgy/Mass, opening/gathering hymn, ostinato, Holy Communion, Holy Spirit.
 Basic familiarization with classroom guidelines and expectations. Name of teacher and classmates. Goals for year both musically and behaviorally. Use of the hymnal at mass. Finding hymns and service music in hymnal. Learning at least two musical portions to be sung at weekly liturgy.
 Student will be able to verbalize behavioral expectations for music class. Students will be able to sing at least two portions of Wednesday's liturgical music, the opening and Communion.
 Gather Hymnal; Smartboard projections of expectations and lyrics of songs; online recording of opening hymn. Student name cards, pencil.
 Welcome to Music Class. I'm Mrs. Roeder, your new music teacher. Today we are going to get to know each other and learn two pieces of music that you will be able to sing at this Wednesday's liturgy.
 Physical and vocal warm-ups. Proper posture, breathing. Modeling of melody and rhythms in musical selections.
 Performance of music and rhythms, both vocally and with body percussion.
Checking For Understanding:
 Successful performance of musical selections. Verbalization of behavioral expectations.
 Thank you for your participation and fine singing today. I look forward to celebrating the liturgy with you this Wednesday, in both prayer and song. We will continue our exploration of liturgical music this week when I see you on __________.
 Evaluation of student participation in opening & Communion music at liturgy. Student behavior in music class.
Teacher Reflections:
 I will spend about 25 minutes after the lesson is complete to review what could be improved for this lesson.

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