Teacher Name:
 Grade 1

 2-D And 3-D Geometric shapes
 Students will notice and identify shapes in their environment. Students will use informal language to describe geometric shapes. Students will become familiar with names of 2-D and 3-D shapes.
 Students will activly participate in visually finding shapes within familiar objects. Students will describe things they notice about geometric sahpes in everyday objects. Students will attempt to draw an object found in the classroom and describe the geometric shapes they see within it.
 Book- Sea Shapes, teacher's guide "Quilt squares and block towns", items collected from around the room, paper and writing material, white board and marker
 "For the next few weeks we are going to be discovering things about geometry.""Who can tell us something about geometry?" "Remember when we read the book Sea Shapes?" Show them they book and some pages inside for a reminder. "Who can tell me something about the book?" "What was so special about this book?" I want them to talk about the shapes were found in things in the sea.
 "This book showed how these shapes were used to create parts of things we find in the sea. There are shapes all around us. Everything in our environment including this classroom has many different shapes. I want everyone to really pay attention to the things they find around them, things they use everyday or see everyday, and look at what shapes you see." Show a few items that I have collected from around the room. "Look at some things that I found. What shapes do you see?" I will write some of the descriptions given on the whiteboard. Any additional descriptions that come in during this activity will be added.
 Now the students are to find something in the classroom that they can describe the shape. They can work in pairs or individually. They only get about three minutes to find something them return to their desk. Once they have the objects, I will have the students tell me about what they found and what shape they see. Then they will put it on the carpet and I will ask if anyone else has something that is simular in shape. Those objects are put into the same area on the carpet then I will label it with the shape. Once all the objects are in groups I will explain that I want them to pick one object to draw and describe. I will demonstrate. "I choose..... Now how do I draw this. Ok well I can't draw very well but I will try my best." Talk about it as I am drawing, what am I doing, what am I noticing.
 I will visually show how I am drawing my object. I will talk about my thought process as I look at my object and draw it. I will put students desriptions on the whiteboard for others to use and for vocabulary development. I will let them draw any object not just what they found to share. I will use vocabulary repeatedly to help with familiarizing new vocabulary.
Checking For Understanding:
 Before I have them begin drawing I will ask some of the students what their plan is. What are they going to draw and how would they describe it. I might have them turn to their partner and tell them what object they are going to draw and how would they describe it. I might also as if there is anyone who is not sure what they will draw.
 I will collect their papers as they finish up and tell them that we will share some of the drawings tomorrow (unless there is time left to share now). I will tell them that we will be looking at shapes and talking about them all week. I will also tell them that I want them to look around at different things at their home and throughout the school to see if they notice what kind of shapes they can find.
 I will measure their understanding by their description of the object. They can orally describe the shape they see in an object if they are unable to write it. I will also be looking for understanding and shape identification throughout the week.
Teacher Reflections:

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