Lesson Plan : Shading Equivalent Fractions

Teacher Name:
 Jackie Wollschlager
 Grade 4

 Equivalent Fractions
 Students will learn to write fractions for shaded regions on shapes. They will also learn to name numerator and denominator in the fractions. Once they master this, they will learn to find equivalent fractions for the ones we have learned. They will do this through use of equivalent fraction chart and by completing worksheets. Vocabulary: numerator, denominator, equivalent fraction
 My goal for this lesson is that my students will understand the concept of equivalent fractions. They will be able to recognize threm through use of manipulatives and by working togather.
 1. Students will write a fraction to tell what part of a region is shaded. 2. Students will name the numerator and denominator of a fraction. 3. Students will identify equivalent fractions. 4. Students will use manipulatives correctly. 5. Students will work cooperatively in groups or with pairs.
 Rectangular pieces of paper overhead/pen crayons pencils equivalent fractions charts for students fraction wheels fraction flashcards
 Provide each student with a piece of rectangular paper. Fold paper in half. After you have folded the paper in half, instruct the students to do the same. Explain that a fraction is part of a whole. You have divided a whole piece of paper into two equal parts. Instruct the students to color one of the two equal parts. Ask a student to write 1/2 on the overhead to show that one out of the two equal parts is now shaded. Introduce the vocabulary terms to the students. Explain that the numerator is the number of parts shaded and the denominator is the total number of equal parts. (For students who have difficulty remembering which is the numerator and which is the denominator, try this memory association technique--in a fraction, one number is UP above the line and one is DOWN below the line. Numerator has a "u" in it so does up; denominator begins with a "d" and so does down.
 Teacher will model the above activity for students as they are completing theirs. Repeat the activity with pieces of paper, demonstrating 1/4, 3/4, 1/3, 2/3, 1/8. Each time a student should write the fraction on the overhead and identify the numerator and denominator. If you prefer, project a rectangle on the overhead and divide the rectangle into the same fractions as those in the paper-folding demonstration.
 Equivalent fractions: Ask students to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half and color one of the two equal parts. Ask what fraction of the paper is colored (1/2). Now have them refold the same paper and then fold it in half once again. Unfold. How many equal parts now? (4) What fraction is shaded (2/4 or 1/2) Since the amount of shading has not changed, this means that 1/2=2/4. Tell the students that 1/2 and 2/4 are two names for the same amount. Therefore, they are equivalent fractions. Now have the students refold the paper and then fold it in half a third time. Unfold. What new fraction have they found that is equivalent to 1/2 and 2/4? (4/8) These three fractions name the same amount. Introduce students to equivalent fraction chart. Give them a fraction and have them write it down on a piece of blank paper. Have the students use the chart to find the equivalent fractions for you. Call on students to give answers.
 For those students who need one on one help I will go desk to desk and help them. I will also meet with them individually if needed. For students who are out of the room, I will meet with them during independent time and show them how to do the worksheets.
Checking For Understanding:
 For assessment, I will be monitoring the students as they work independently. I will also be collecting the worksheets to see that they understand the concept of equivalent fractions.
 For closure, I will use the fraction flashcards to practice with the students. I will have the students stand up one by one and identify a fraction that I show them. They will have to give me an equivalent fraction also. They can use their number line worksheet or their equivalent fraction chart to help them if needed.
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