Lesson Plan : Place Value To Hundreds

Teacher Name:
 LeeAnn Mazurowski
 Grade 3

 Place Value: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds
 Key vocabulary- Place value digits ones, tens, hundreds standard form, expanded form, and word form Place of the number and Value of number
 The goal of this lesson is that the children will be able to identify the Place value of digits in numbers to 999.
 1. Students will be able to identify and explain what the ones, tens, hundreds place is within the place value chart. 2. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of numbers written in three different forms-Standard, Word form, and Expanded form. 3. The Students will be able to tell a numbers place and value within the place value chart.
 Textbook pg. 6-7 Smart board Workbook pg. 2
 1. Introduce the place value pocket chart as having a different pocket for each place within our number system.
 2. Explain and demonstrate using the chart that numbers are made of digits which depend on its place in a number. 3. Rearrange the numbers and practice orally as a class reading different numbers. 4. Change the numbers to different pockets to demonstrate that numbers have different places as well as values. 5. Use smart board to demonstrate the reading,then writing of different numbers. 6. Model numbers being written in standard form, word form, and expanded form.
 -Students will practice their understanding of place value by manipulating the numbers into different pockets and take turns reading and writing numbers. -Together as a class, directed by the teacher, children will practive writing numbers in Standard form, Expanded form, and Word form on notebook paper. -Complete text pg. 6-7 Guided practice orally with teacher's direction.
 ELL and IEP students will be closely teacher-monitored while participating in Guided Practice within textbook. Allowing the students to begin homework for 10 min. The teacher will furthur assist and assess these student for understanding.
Checking For Understanding:
 Observing students working on workbook page will signal if skill is mastered.
 Exiting out the door for lunch, children will need to repeat place value/number sequence. Ones, Tens, Hundreds, thousands.
 Correcting homework together the following day will allow me to determine if a new lesson my be started or review needs to be done.
Teacher Reflections:

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