Lesson Plan : Order of Operations

Teacher Name:
 Dawn Thompson
 Grade 3

 Order of Operations
 Order of Operations addition subtraction multiplication division Acronym - PMDAS - Parentheses, Multiplication or Division (whichever comes first), Addition or Subtraction (whichever comes first)
 TLWD application of order of operations by solving problems using the correct order of operations.
 Order of Operations Worksheet 1; Order of Operations Worksheet 2; Overhead or Smart Board or Elmo; Blast Off Book; Order up a Picnic Activity
 Pose problems such as the following (problems only) and challenge students to solve them using paper and pencil only: 3 + 3 x 2 � 4 = (8) 5 7 � 4 + 2 x 2 = (10) 7 5 + 3 x 3 � 4 � 2 = (18) 8 3 x 5 + 4 x 6 = (114) 39 Pass out calculators and have students enter each problem on the calculator exactly as it is written. Remind them to press the equal sign only when they reach the end of the problem. Have them write the calculator answer in a different color next to their answer. Ask students to explain what they have discovered. They should recognize that the two answers differ. Students are likely to have gotten the answer in parentheses above, while the calculator/correct answer is the one after the parentheses.
 ** You will need to get Blast Off math books or make a transparency of the pages from just one of the books. Explain that the answers are different because the calculator is programmed to use the correct order of operations. Explain the order of operations using pages 55 and 56 in the Blast Off book. Be sure to have students take notes and write out problems such as the ones on page 56 sing the step-by-step procedure. Model how to solve the following problems and point out how the order of operations leads to different answers even though the same numbers appear in the same order in each problem. Verify answers using a calculator. 6 + 2 x 3 + 5 = 6 + 2 x (3 + 5) = (6 + 2) x 3 + 5 = 6 + 6 + 5 = 6 + 2 x 8 = 8 x 3 + 5 = 12 + 5 = 17 6 + 16 = 22 24 + 5 =29
 Have students play �Order Up a Picnic� in pairs.
Checking For Understanding:
 Have students restate the correct order of operations. (PMDAS= Pass My Dog A Spoon) This is one place I would highly recommend your students coming up with their own clever way of remembering the order. They will be more likely to actually remember it.
 Transition for lunch
 Grade assignments looking for 85% or higher to determine mastery.
Teacher Reflections:
 Reteach/Review with students who did not make an 85%; Extend the lesson for AIG children the following day.

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