Lesson Plan : Numbers to 10

Teacher Name:
 J Beaty
 Grade 1

 Showing numbers in a variety of ways
 Using models and other representations to show numbers; Vocabulary-numbers, number words, is greater than, is less than, least greatest, equal, model, ordering
 The learner will count, read and write numbers to 10
 The learner will demonstrate connecting the model, number, number words by using a variety of physical models, and other representations.
 calendar, Houghton Mifflin TG and student texts and practice pages and tests, online resources, computer with internet, snap cubes, counters, scavenger hunt recording sheet "Diggin Up Numbers," Dr. Jean's Learning CD "The Number Song", models of numbers, number words and a number line, student manipulative kits, white boards, dry erase markers for each student
 Introduce/review numbers during calendar math; Sing "The Numbers Song" from Dr. Jean's Learning CD;
 Teacher will model finding numbers and number words in the classroom and matching the number to number words. Teacher will count, record and compare number of boys and girls in the classroom
 Students will explore snap cubes and counters from manipulative kits. Students will use snap cubes to show numbers as directed by teacher. Students will use white boards to record numbers and/or number words. Students will complete practice page 5 from Chapter 1 Houghton Mifflin math
 Enrichment: Number Play page (enrich 1.1) Record numbers of hidden toys in picture of toy store. Write riddles to describe numbers-Emample-I am 2 more than 5. What number am I?; Reteach (reteach 1.1) Color pictures to show numbers; itools interactive games from thinkcentral.com (Houghton Mifflin online resource)
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher obsevations and completed practice pages will serve to assess and provide feedback.
 The class will return to thinkcentral.com for more online interactive activities and practice with manipulatives to follow-up and review objective.
 Chapter test and on-going anecdotal notes will serve to meaure progress.
Teacher Reflections:
 The use of music and technology was beneficial to motivate and engage students. More free exploration with manipulative kits prior to or at the beginning of the lessons would be help to maintain focus on assigned use of materials.

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