Lesson Plan : Roman Numerals

Teacher Name:
 Josh Sherman
 Grade 3

 Roman Numerals SSS MA.A.3.2
 recognizes and compares the decimal number system to the structure of other number systems such as Roman numeral system or bases other than ten
 student will be able to convert standard numbers to Roman Numerals student will be able to convert Roman numerals to standard numbers student will be able to use Roman numerals in sequential order for making outlines of given facts.
 Given an outline, the student will be able to arrange information into chronological order using Roman Numerals. Given a Super Bowl Roman numeral the student will be able to state the correct number. Given a copyright at the end of a movie the student will be able to state the correct year. Given a year and a future Super Bowl number, the student will be able to write them in their Roman Numeral forms.
 VCR, various movies fast forwarded to the end credits, clips from Superbowls or online print outs of past Superbowls. Information organized in a web for students to organize using Roman numerals.
 quickly play 3 movie end credits ask students about the ending credits of movies and the copy write numbers in Roman numerals. ask if they have ever seen those types of numbers anywhere else. Talk about the Superbowl.
 use the board to write the roman numerals and their equivalent numbers. Have students make a conversion chart of their own. Show students three ways roman numerals are frequently used: copy write, the Super Bowl, and in making outlines
 teach students how to make an outline using roman numerals from a drawn information web. Direct instruction verbally quiz the entire class and then individual students on Super Bowl titles and movie copy write years.
 one on one support. students to the board. students use their own conversion charts. have copies of conversion charts for students. do one example on their paper.
Checking For Understanding:
 written quiz, super bowls, movie years, outlines.
 why was it important to learn roman numerals? talk about how using symbols to represent things are part of many topics including maps, more advanced math, sign language, etc.
 written test, correct, retest until pass, send test home to be retaken, then orally test until pass
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