Lesson Plan : The Multiplication of Binomials

Teacher Name:
 Taryn Broughton
 Grade 7-8

 Multiplying Binomials
 Subject Matter: Multiplying sums of variables and whole numbers by using the FOIL method. Key Vocabulary- FOIL Method- First multiply the First two numbers of each binomial, then multiply the Outer two numbers in each binomial, thirdly multiply the Inner two numbers of each binomial, and lastly multiply the last two numbers of each binomial together.
 Students will understand how to use the FOIL method when multiplying binomials.
 Students will be able to utilize the FOIL method when multiplying two binomials together.
 Overhead projector and worksheets
 Review homework from last night when they multiplied polynomials by monomials using the distributive property. I will have students say answers aloud, then put a few of the tougher problems on the overhead as a review.
 Explain what a monomial is and put an example on the board (x+3). Then put up another binomial (x+2). Ask students based on their knowledge from multiplying monomials by polynomials how would they solve this equation. They will work on it with their partner. They will probally not get the right answer, but it gets them thinking of ways in which to solve the equation. I will hint to them to subsitute the variable x for a whole number to check if their anser is correct. I will then ask for answers and put them on the board. I will not say if it is right of wrong. I will then show them the easy way to solve this form of an equation. By using the FOIL method, to solve (x+3)(x+2), you would First: (x)(x)=x , Outer: (x)(2)=2x, Inner: (3)(x)=3x, Last:(3)(2)=6. Then after combining like terms the answer would be x +6x+6. I would then check with the students that got the correct answers to see their method. I would do a couple more examples on the board for the students to further grasp the concept.
 I would put up some problems on the board for the students to try on their own and get help from their partners if necessary. The problems would include a special case of perfect squares which cancel out the middle term, such as (x+4)(x-4). When we regroup I would explain how perfect squares always operate this way. During this time I would walk around and offer my help with the students.
 If students struggle with the concept I would help them individually as I walk around the classroom while students are working independently. Since students sit in partners, I would pair a weaker student with a stronger student so that the stronger student can help the weaker student. This will greatly help the weaker student by the zone of proximal development. Students with organizational issues will have trouble keeping like terms together. I will stress the importance of this and make the work organized in the examples so they will also keep their work organized.
Checking For Understanding:
 The assessment would be in the form of the students' work on the board for me to see if students understand.
 The wrap up would include a review that the FOIL method is simply the distributive property that can be used when multiplying any polynomial by any polynomial. I would give the example of (x+6)(x -3x+8). Since they have done the distributive property while multiplying polinomials the past few days, this is doable, but a bit of a challenge. The homework will be a worksheet with multiplying binomials and finding the area of geometric figures by multiplying binomials. There will also be some practice of multiplying polynomials. The multipulcation of polynomials will be further discussed tomorrow, but the students are capable of that work after today's lesson.
Teacher Reflections:

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