Lesson Plan : Absolute Value

Teacher Name:
 Ellie Long
 Grade 9-10

 Solving Equations Involving Absolute Value
 Absolute is the distance from the number to zero on the number line; it is always positive or zero.
 Solve equations involving absolute values. Determine if a statement is sometimes, always, or never true.
 1)Student should be able to solve two or three equations independently and get two vlues of solution except the zero solution.
 Prentice Hall Algebra 1; overhead projector and computer projector
 ex 1) |x| = 6 produces two vlues of solution; one is x = 6 and the other is x = -6. Why ? |+x| = 6 and |-x| = 6, that is, x can be measured from either positive or negative side on the number line.
 Draw a number line idicating +x, 0, -x, and distance of 6 from +x and -x. Model ex 2) |x| + 2 = 12, show x = 10 or x = -10, then check both answers. Model ex 3) 3|b| - 4 = 2, show x = 2 or x = -2.
 I demonstrate difficult homework P.146, 17) 5 + |x| -9 = 2 (6,-6), 32) 1/4 + 1/2|x| = 5/8 (3/4, -3/4) 59) |2a + 1| = 5 (2, -3) 79) The sum of two consective even integers is 94. What are the integers ? (46,48)
 Work together in the whole class by calling different level of students: Low level problems are 54) ~ 56). High level problems are 60) ~ 65).
Checking For Understanding:
 80% of the students should be able to complete the independent practice.
 Look the sign in front not in the back; ask students the Error Analysis 67) 4 - 3x = 5 3x = 9 x = 3.
 50% of the students should be able to complete the above Accomodation problems.
Teacher Reflections:
 Students can help each other or ask me for homework problems, but they can not copy each other's work. They can correct quizzes, tests, or graded assignments to get 3 points back on each corrected problem in class.

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