Lesson Plan : Trickster Tales

Teacher Name:
 Jennifer Timmerman
 Grade 3
 Literature Activities

 Trickster Tales
 Characteristics of a Trickster Tale: Trickster tales are folktales from different cultures. Main character-trickster; clever with exaggerated traits; often animals Setting-usually outdoors; usually forest or jungle Plot- problem that is solved by the trickster A lesson can often be learned from the way a trickster solves a problem.
 The goal is for learners to develop synthesis of comprehension by examining and distinguishing characteristics of a trickster tale.
 TLW identify and diagram characteristics of a trickster tale using a Story Map.
 Trickster Tale characteristics chart, StudentReader Response Journals, pencils, teacher trickster read aloud (HM Teacher Edition Theme 2 genre focus, chalkboard and chalk, student copies of a trickster tale (HM student anthology), Story Map graphic organizer transparency, overhead, visa vie markers and student Story Maps
 Teacher begins by shaking a small cloth sack full of coins. Once student attention is on the bag,teacher states objective and shows Trickster Tale characteristics chart that is creatively written and illustrated to reflect the image of a trickser character. Teacher creates a character map on the chalk board and puts the name Tyl in the center. Teacher shakes the money bag again to draw attention to that detail. Teacher explains that a trickster tale is a folktale from different cultures and the read aloud comes from Germany. Teacher explains that as students listen to read aloud, the teacher will pause and students will write information about Tyl on the character web.
 Teacher reads the story aloud, shaking the money bag when money references are given. Teacher pauses a few times to model and ask for volunteers to add character details. When finished, teacher reads character web and models how to share info. about main characters in a trickster tale. Teacher then models and summarizes the story by using the Trickster Tale characteristics chart along a Story Map transparency to record information from the read aloud.
 Teacher introduces trickster tale for students to read. Teacher models how to draw a character web and monitors students as they draw character webs in their Reading Response Journals. Teacher directs students to read and write details about Spider, the trickster in Hungary Spider. Teacher models the process by reading the first page and by recording details on the character web. Teacher assigns students to read with shoulder buddies and cooperatively complete the character web. Upon completion, the teacher models and guides students through a story map using the overhead. (Teacher can choose students to write on the transparency.)
 For intensive/strategic readers, the trickster tales can be added to a listening center so the student(s) can listen and follow along in the book. Intensive/strategic students may also need to do a character web for the trickster prior to doing the story map. Advanced learners can write a summary after completing the Story Map.
Checking For Understanding:
 After story maps are completed, the teacher will conference with students as part of guided reading group time. Teacher will provide specific verbal feedback and help students identify characteristics when necessary.
 Students will choral read the characteristics of trickster tales.
 From the guided reading group meeting, the teacher will assess story maps to see if students can identify and diagram characteristics of trickster tales. The student must be able to identify and diagram the title, main trickster character, the problem and the lesson learned. If this is not mastered, the teacher will provide additional modeling and practice opportunities.
Teacher Reflections:
 I taught this lesson Monday to a group of 3rd Grade students. The money bag definitely caught their interest at the beginning. They wanted to hear about money in the story. Because this is Halloween week, students were excited to read the trickster tales. Every student was able to correctly diagram the trickster tales on the story maps. The strategic readers did use the listening center and I did read the story with them prior to giving them a story map. They were told to read it independently a third time, however, I know they rushed through it. The advanced readers wrote a summary after diagraming the characteristics. Overall, I feel that it was a great introductory lesson for the week's genre focus. The objective was mastered.

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