Lesson Plan : Character Attributes

Teacher Name:
 Pearl Sample
 Grade 1
 Language Arts

 Character Attributes
 Students will identify physical and personal attributes of a character using adjectives to describe the thoughts and emotions of the character.
 Students will become more aware of illustrations in literature. Students will make a connection between self and character; identifying with personal challanges, struggles, and achievements. Students will also learn more about characters through their physical appearance. Main Focus SOL:1.11 Student will read and comprehend a variety of fiction and nonfiction selecions. -Relate previous experiences to what is read. -Ask and answer questions about what is read. -Identify character and setting. -Write about what is read.
 Students will become excited about characters and become more excited when reading because of character connections. SOL's: 1.1: Student will continue to demonstrate growth in their oral language. 1.2: Student will continue to expand and use listenin and speaking vocabularies. 1.3: Student will adapt or change oral language to fit the situation. 1.7: Student will use meaning clues when reading. 1.12: Student will write to communicate ideas. 1.13: Student will print legibly. Blooms Levels: Knowledge - recalling information about the character's attributes. Comprehension - describing the different thoughts the character has. Application - constructing the character's physical attributes on the plate. Analysis - analyze why the character thought or felt different ways. Synthesis - making up different thoughts, feelings, or sayings that were not in the story, showing a deeper understanding of the character in a whole. Evaluation - students defend the thoughts and feelings they listed as part of the character's personality.
 Chart paper, paper plates, construction paper, brads or staples, crayons or markers, glue, and a story with an identifiable character.
 Students will be introduced to literature and make predictions of the story's outcome. Let the students know that they are going to learn about the characters "attributes" or how the character looks, acts, and feels in the story. Describe on of your students. You can also have the students describe one another.
 Read the story. While reading ask questions about the character's feelings. "How would that make him/her feel?" "Would you feel the same way?" Also, remind the students to take notice of the characters clothing. "Why is he/she dressed like that?"
 In a whole group atmosphere draw the outline of a character's head on the chart paper (we will be inside the character's head). Inside the head write ideas that the character might have thought or felt during the story. Be sure to use ALL CAPS and ! to show anger.
 More advanced students may use complete sentences with quotation marks for what the character says. These students may also include feelings and thoughts or sayings that the character did not feel during the story. This will show a greater understanding of the character and how he or she behaves. Lower level students may write one word feelings that the character had in the story.
Checking For Understanding:
 As students are creating their character plates observe different work. Discuss with the different students why they wrote what they did, and how the character may have felt when he or she said different things.
 Bring group together. Share. Discuss the different ideas and ask the group if they agree that the character may have said or thought that.
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