Lesson Plan : Coloring Sentences

Teacher Name:
 Grade 3
 Language Arts

 Parts of Speech (EDITED)
 Language Arts/ Writing noun, verb, pronoun, adjective
 Students will be able to compose and write sentences following the conventions of the English language.
 Given coloring materials and worksheet with sentences, students will identify nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives by using a color cold, with 80% acccuracy.
 Overhead projector, grade 3 English and Literature book; crayons, markers or colored pencils.
 Teacher draws class' attention to the board, where the following sentences is written: 1. Your seats 2. My brother truck. 3. Jumps high. 4. Was yellow. The teacher begins a discussion on the correctness of the sentences, as a means to discern student knowledge of sentence structure and parts of speech. Students will go to the board to make modifications, where necessary.
 Teacher will discuss with students why the sentences were incorrect (missing subject/noun;missing predicate/verb; missing noun to be modified by adjective), and what changes occurred to make the sentences correct ( adding predicate/verb, adding subject/noun or pronoun, providing noun for modification).
  Teacher will instruct students to take out coloring materials and English books. Class will use text to retrieve sentences. Teacher will copy sentences onto transparency, displayed by projector. Students can monitor teacher as she works. Teacher directs class to turn to appropriate page and calls on a student to read sentence #1. Teacher copies the sentence. Teacher calls on another student to identify the noun(s) in the sentence Teacher calls on another student to explain why that is/is not the noun, for each noun. Teacher rewrites the sentence by writing all identify nouns using blue ink. Teacher continues the same questioning procedure with the oither parts of speech, using different colors: verb - red; pronoun - yellow; adjectives - green. Teacher will end with a sentence that has all words colored, except for prepositions, and articles. Teacher will address all questions pertaining to the remaining words by indicating further instruction at a later date. Teacher will repeat the procedure for other sentences.
 Students who have psychomotor difficulty, will be instructed to use a computer or word processor, if available,to type and color text. Students will be expected to complete a total of 5 sentences. Students who have cognitive difficulties will work in small group with teacher, using color coded words (on 3 x 5 notecards), composed from sentences the other students are using. Teacher will help students to understand why the words are that color (different part of speech), and students will recreate sentences using the words. Students will be expected to identify nouns and verbs and required to complete total of 4 sentences.
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher will collect student papers. Class will discuss the sentences they completed, by identifying the words by color and part of speech.
 Teacher will end lesson by relating to student the importance of using conventional English language in writing and in speech, by providing 2 sets of examples and asking "Which sounds better?".
 Teacher will evaluate student understanding by assessing a 80% attainment to their practice work. Students should identify each given part of speech at a rate of 80%. For those students utilizing accommodations: Psychomotor will be the same for the rest of the class; Cognitive will be accountable for 50% attainment.
Teacher Reflections:
 Did the students enjoy the lesson? Did the technique of color coding prove to be effective? Did students attain 80% accuracy as expected? How will I continue this lesson? How can I motivate students to practice what they have learned today? Can I create a center in the room for practice?

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