Lesson Plan : Writing An Autobiography, act.4-31

Teacher Name:
 Krysia Elizondo
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Writing about ourselves and creating others.
 (4.1)The student listens actively and purposefully in a variety of settings. (4.15)The students writes for a variety of audiences and purposes, and in a variety of forms. (4.16)The student composes orignal texts,applying the written conventions of English such as capialization, punctuation, and penmanship to communicate clearly.
 The student is expected to: 4.1(C)understand the major ideas and supporting evidence in spoken messages (4-8). 4.15(F)choose the appropriate for his/her own purpose for writing, including journals, letters, reviews, poems, narratives, and instructions(4-5). 4.16(A)write legibly by selecting cursive or manuscript as appropriate(4-8).
 1.To develop and improve creative and factual writing skills 2.To introduce the concept of autobiography as a genre of literature 3.To increase self-awareness and self-understanding through a writing activity 4.To verbalize and share real and hypothetical experiences
 "Bill Peet: An Autobiography (1989)."
 1.Introduce and define the concept of autobiography. 2.Give examples of information needed for autobiography.(list these on board or overhead as they call out) 3.Give examples of your own autobiography. 4. Discuss what famous people, author, or athalete might include.
 1.Have children listen to "Bill Peet: An Autobiography". 2.Have children discuss his experiences and his life. 3.Put his information into the chart you made on the board.
 1.Allow students to input their own information into their charts from the board. 2.Give examples with teacher's information for better understanding.
 1.When finished tell them to create a futuristic, creative auotbiography. 2.Pretend they,re ninety years old and have become quite famous.(tell them to brainstorm and visualize what they would have accomplished by now) 3.Give a few examples of your own to get them going.
Checking For Understanding:
 1.This will take more than one class period but they need to see where this is going. 2.Have PRG help with revising and editing. 3.Conference with each student for organization of ideas. 4.Attach the two autobiographies together and have them share with the class.(post them in the hallway, with illustration).
 1.Encourage kids to keep up their daily journals and to wirte down what future goals they may have for themselves. 2.Have students tell you what an autobiography is and what it contains. 3.Ask if anyone has ever read any other autobiographies and would you recomend them to their friends?
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