Lesson Plan : Eagle KWL

Teacher Name:
 John Pattis
 Grade 5
 Social Studies

 Eagle Know, Want to Learn, What is Learned
 The students will investigate and understand the basic needs and characteristics of eagles. The student will use a map to locate eagle habitats.
 5.SS.2.1.3 Use latitude and longitude coordinates to find specific locations on a map. (458.01c) 5.SS.2.1.1 Develop and use different kinds of maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases, and models to display and obtain information. (458.01a) 5.LA.2.1.3 Draw valid conclusions based on information gathered from text and cite evidence to support the conclusion. (716.03.c) 5.LA.2.2.3 Apply central ideas and signal words to summarize information from expository text.
 trade books, reference books, videos about eagles, Internet eagle web sites such as American Eagle Foundation (eagles.org), pictures of different eagle types, maps, journals, chart paper, and art supplies
 To open up, I would show the class a picture of a bald eagle, and ask them for facts that they know about bald eagles. I would then write on the whiteboard their respones under the "K" or know section. We will then go through the list and make sure the response listed are factual. The students will keep detail of the procedure in their journals.After eagle research is done they will go back in their journals and see if their true or false fact sentence guess was correct. Next, the students will brainstorm any facts they know about eagles to establish prior knowledge. List these facts on chart paper entitled “What We Know About Eagles.”
 1. Use trade books, Internet, videos, and eagle pictures to start discussions with students. Find out what they want to learn about eagles. Write their questions on the chart labeled “What I Want to Know.” 2. Use a map and resource information to locate places where eagles live. Discuss the results with students. 3. Photographs from old magazines or copies of eagle pictures can be cut out and places on the map to aid understanding of eagle’s location. 4. Have students use art supplies to create their own version of an eagle. 5. Display creations on a bulletin board beside eagle fact chart. Label this area in your room as the Eagle Sanctuary. 6. List the information that they learned on the chart labeled “What I Learned.”
Checking For Understanding:
 Have a KWL chart displayed in your room so students can track their progress. Have students check back in their journals and see if their eagle fact sentence guess was correct.
 Students may add additional eagle facts in their journals that they have researched and learned.
Teacher Reflections:

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