Lesson Plan : Vocabulary Quiz

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Lyons
 Grade 9-10
 Language Arts

 Vocabulary Quiz
 Quiz over vocabulary words from different content areas.
 (1) Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. (5) Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction
 (C) Infer word meaning through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships (C) Evaluate the connection between forms of narration (e.g., unreliable, omniscient) and tone in works of fiction
 Paper, pen/pencil, textbooks
 There will be a warm-up on the board. The question will be "Can we always trust the narrator in a story? Think of a story and tell me why you think they are reliable or not."
 Give the students the vocabulary quiz to take. After the quiz, tell the students to get a textbook from the shelf and that we will be looking at two stories from their textbook that show two different narrators. One reliable and one unreliable.
 After we look over the two short stories, the students will be given a handout that goes over what makes a narrator unreliable. They will then have to make a venn diagram and compare and contrast the two stories we just read. I will show them how to make a venn diagram on the board.
 For the quiz, the special education students and the ESL students will have a word bank with their quiz. For the stories that we read, all students will be given a handout that goes over what makes a narrator unreliable.
Checking For Understanding:
 I will be walking around the room to make sure that the students are understanding the assignment and to help answer any questions. I will take up the venn diagram at the end of the period to grade and make sure that the students are understanding it.
 I will take up the venn diagrams and then I will do a quick overview of what we learned that day by asking students to give me some of the differences and similarities that they found in the stories.
Teacher Reflections:

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