Lesson Plan : Folktales

Teacher Name:
 Jessica Pelton
 Grade 3
 Literature Activities

 Folktales and their origin
 We are going to discuss a few well known folktales, and what they consist of. The students will get to see a variety of folktales, and that there is many different versions of some folktales. The students will learn where the folktales we are reading originated from. A few new vocabulary terms are: folktales, origin and versions.
 1. Students will know what the genre of folktales includes. 2. Students will be able to distinguish folktales and their origin.
 After completing this lesson, the students should know that there are more than one version of many folktales, where the folktales originated from and where to find that information, what a folktale is, and the difference between the original folktales and the more popular ones today.
 Folktale books, pencils, paper, and a documentary over folktales
 The students will define various vocabulary words that are specific to our topic, such as; folktale, origin, versions, publisher, author, illustrator, etcetera. Then as a class, we will come up with a song to best memorize the most important vocabulary terms.
 The students will watch a brief, fun, and educational video over folktales. Also, we will compare folktales to other types of genres of literature we have studied thus far.
 The students will be assigned groups. Each group will read a different folktale, and then summarize their story to the class through a poster. Then, we will analyze each story to give the students better understanding and clarification in meaning.
Checking For Understanding:
 The students will take a short test over some of the vocabulary terms, and answer a few questions from the folktale that they read.
 We will visit the library at the end of the lesson to show the students where the folktale books are located, and how to find them.
 I will determine from the grades on the test, and the class discussions if the students need to spend more time on folktales.
Teacher Reflections:

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