Lesson Plan : Writing and Comprehension Strategies

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Bunkowski
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Writing Activity, Reading Aloud, and Story Quilt Comprehension Strategy
 Sequencing Story Quilt
 To introduce a comprehension learning strategy that will help students visually recall the story that they read. To help the students recollect important story points
 Learners will be able to retell a story using the sequence comprehension skill.
 6 small squares of different colored construction paper pieces of yarn crayons or markers
 TW write the following activity on the board for the students to reflect on and write about in their reflection journals. Using yesterday's bar graph information, write 10 sentences that explain the information that you collected. It can be comparing two results or and explanation of all the data collected.
 SW volunteer to read their reflections to the class. TW encourage the students in their writings. Next, TW begin reading aloud the story entitled "Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing" with the class. SW continue to read the story until it is complete. TW monitor the classes reading progress.
 TW ask the students questions in relation to the story that was just read for comprehension recall purposes. TW recall the following with the students...characters, setting, story time line, problem, solution, and conclusion.
 TW help the students that may need help tying knots. TW will guide students to help them recall the story.
Checking For Understanding:
 SW present their story quilt to the class tomorrow during morning activity time. TW ask the student questions about the quilt they are presenting to clarify any vague details that need to be addressed.
 TW praise each student for creating such a great quilt. TW also show great enthusiasm about tomorrows presentations.
 TW grade students based on 2 elements. First, the written sentences under each part of the quilt. TW look for clarity and proper use of the story timeline. Second, the TW listen to the presentation of each quilt for story comprehension.
Teacher Reflections:

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