Lesson Plan : Equivalent or Non-Equivalent

Teacher Name:
 Wanda Matute

 Equivalent Sets
 Math Equivalent, Non-equivalent Same, Different
 Numbers and operations-Students will be able to identify and construct equivalent sets.
 The Learner will be able to identify equivalent and non-equivalent sets. The learner will be able to manipulate objects to make non-equivalent sets equivalent.
 Manipulatives, number cards 1-10, 2 circle sets or two sheets of paper to contain a set, white board, dry erase markers, math journals
 Puzzler to focus attention: What is EQUAL? Students will have two circles frames with objects inside at their table. They are to tell their shoulder buddy something they notice about the sets of objects. Students will �draw� a number from number cards and demonstrate that number with manipulatives 1-10.
 Procedures: After a review of number values with pictorial representations, students will assist the teacher in constructing sets. Students will identify several sets of objects as equivalent or non-equivalent.
 After pairing students, they will work in pairs to build equivalent sets. They will tell why two sets are equivalent or not equivalent. They will change the number of objects of non-equivalent sets to make them equivalent. They will justify their responses with the concrete objects and explain orally to their partner.
 Grp. 1: Students will find another student in their group with the same number of objects. Practice activity: Students will draw a number card. Their partner will also draw. They will build sets in the circle frames for the drawn number. The pair will then compare, contrast their circles and determine if the sets are equal. They will continue to draw cards and determine if the sets are equal. Students will draw in their math journals a set of equivalent objects and drawing a grid with two circles divided by = sign and labeling the sets as equivalent by using the word wall to find �equivalent�. Recall activity: Students will stand and share an equivalent set. Students will share their journal by reading it to another student in the group and verbally using the word equivalent. Grp.2: Students will find another student in their group with the same number of objects. Both students will place their objects on the provided grid (two circles with = between). Students will draw their grid in their math journal. Students will share with three other students what they have drawn, using the word equivalent. Grp.3: Students will find another student in the group with the same number of objects to be their partner. Partners will place their objects on the provided grid (two circles with = between). Students will share their grids with the others in the group using the term �equal� as they share and count both sides of the grid.
Checking For Understanding:
 Check journal entry for understanding.
 Students share what their group discovered about equivalent sets.
 Teacher observations of interactions of groups, journal entries, oral summarizations of each group
Teacher Reflections:

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