Lesson Plan : Segregation, Discrimination Day 5

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Cheung
 Grade 11-12
 Social Studies

 Segregation and Discrimination in America
 Poll Tax Grandfather Clause Segregation Jim Crow Laws Plessy v. Ferguson
 (2) History: The student understands the political, economic, and social changes in the United States from 1977 to 1898. The student is expected to:
 (C)analyze social issues such as the treatment of minorities.
 PowerPoint Segregation method Board games
 Start off by segregating the class by month of birthdays, shirt color, etc. Have half the class be privileged and the other half be the minority.
 Go through the PowerPoint but have the minority kids all assigned to seats while the privilege kids get to sit wherever they please.
 After the PowerPoint, students will be able to play games. The privileged kids can choose first on what games they play. The minority then gets the leftover games. As they play, all the privileged kids get candy and praise while the minorities are ignored.
 Students who do not wish to participate in board games can instead listen to an audio of primary accounts of what it felt like to be discriminated against during that time period.
Checking For Understanding:
 After the half a page paper, students will share with the class on how they felt about privilege and discrimination. The purpose of this lesson was not to only study discrimination, but for the students to feel it and live it.
 Relate the PowerPoint to real life discrimination.
 the half a page paper will be a good evaluation of what students took from discrimination lesson.
Teacher Reflections:

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