Lesson Plan : Drawing the Trapezoid Human

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Tierney
 Grade 9-10
 Arts and Crafts

 Drawing the human figure using geometric shapes
 Figure drawing Classical Proportions in Nature Relative Size of things Symmetrey
 Students will be able to draw a human figure in proper proportion by employing geometric shapes they are familiar with already. They will be able to understand what the "ideal" classical proportions are for a human figure.
 Sunshine State Standards: VA.A.1.4.1-uses two-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to communicate an idea or concept based on research, environment, personal experience, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.4.2-uses tools, media, processes, and techniques proficiently, knowledgeably, and in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.4.3-knows how the elements of art and the principles of design can be used to solve specific art problems.
 digital document camera Ream of 8 1/2 x 11 white paper pen or pencil visual aids to demonstrate proportion
 This lesson should begin with a review of the geometric shapes that will be employed: circle, square, ellipse, and trapezoid. Next step is to discuss the terms symmetry and proportion. A brief overview of classical proportions in art and nature follows. Demonstration of several images that reflect the classic proportion in art and nature.
 The human figure can be developed through a series of geometric shapes that middle and high school students already know. The teacher explains the ideas related to "classical" proportion of the human figure (i.e. figure=head x 7 1/2) and then demonstrates how to repetitively draw a human figure the same "ideal" proportions all the time. Demonstration should include drawing the trapezoid and its inverse and showing how that can be developed as a male or female figure depending on the size of the trapezoid. A series of ellipses are used to create the arms and legs. A square or circle is used for the head.
 Students and teacher draw a column of 7 1/2 heads along the edge of the paper. The trapezoid and its inverse are drawn for the hips and torso alongside the heads. Measurement and proportion are an important part of this discussion. The circle or square head is added above the trapezoids. The ellipses are added for the arms and legs. After one classical trapezoid human is drawn, students are asked to produce one on their own.
 ELL students can usually see what they need to accomplish although having a peer tutor is helpful. For ESE students, the teacher should give more explicit instructions, get the materials ready for them and perhaps help with the drawing of the 7 1/2 heads to get started. Another accommodation for ESE students is to have the shapes available in color on the desk, since these students can not abstract the idea as easily.
Checking For Understanding:
 After the initial demonstration using the digital document camera, the teacher needs to walk the classroom and give continual feedback. Students at this point usually will denigrate their work unless the teacher points up all the good pieces of the whole and encourages them to finish up by working on special sections of the piece.
 The wrap up consists of all students standing and rotating around the classroom to look at each others work. Teacher asks each student to not one thing that looks similar to their own work and one thing that is quite different. A discussion should ensue about how to make the next trapezoid human drawing more proportionate. Teacher can also discuss why it is important to know classical proportion so that there can be a deviation from the norm as in manga, fashion, animation etc.
 Student shall be evaluated on effort, following instructions and completion of work.
Teacher Reflections:
 It is important to remember that all students are at different levels of proficiency with using a pen or pencil. Additionally, students have had different experiences up until this lesson and have different amounts of time already involved in drawing. One thing I know is that students have issues of self esteem based on their ability to draw a figure and therefore this lesson is important. It is always good to review this lesson sevearl times throughout the year.

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